Traffic & Walking Routes to Smith
The attached Smith Elementary Suggested School Route Map was prepared by the Oakwood Safety Department and Oakwood Schools. It is designed to suggest to students and parents the routes that are best used to travel to and from Smith Elementary to minimize safety risk.
In selecting the routes, consideration was given to the roadway and sidewalk systems, location of traffic and pedestrian signals, and location of the adult crossing guard. The routes are established with a goal to direct students along common roadways, where possible, acknowledging the value of familiar student pathways. The arrows show the suggested routes to Smith Elementary, but are not placed on the map to depict which side of the street should be used. Generally, and wherever possible and practicable, pedestrians should walk on sidewalks and against vehicular travel. Where no sidewalks are present, pedestrians should walk along the edge of the roadway, also against traffic. The route from Smith Elementary back to home should simply be the reverse of the route shown.
As the map shows, an adult crossing guard is located at Far Hills Avenue and Aberdeen Avenue/Park Road to assist children. The guard is on duty at the following times:
7:50 to 8:50 a.m.
11 :30 a.m to 1 p.m.
3 to 4 p.m.
Parents should consider arranging departure times from home to coincide with the times the guards are on duty in order to best utilize the assistance they provide.
The map does not take the place of parental responsibility or the responsibility of students to watch out for personal safety. Parents must decide for themselves which routes their children should use, and should teach their children safe walking habits.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this map, please contact your school office or the Oakwood Public Safety Department at 298-2122.