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Student Handbook

Welcome to Oakwood City Elementary Schools!

This handbook is being provided to the students and parents of Harman School and Smith School as a reference guide concerning the operation of the school.  Please feel free to contact the office at any time concerning questions you may have.  The staff or building principal will be happy to discuss your child's progress with you.  We are looking forward to another exciting year.

District Administration

Dr. Neil Gupta, Superintendent
Laura Sauber, Treasurer of Record
Allyson Couch, Director of Educational Services
Dr. Kimbe Lange, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Oakwood Board Office: 937-297-5332

District Mission

Doing what is best for students is our guiding principle. To this end, the Oakwood School community commits the resources, support, expertise and experiences needed for all students to achieve.


Cassie Schoch
Amber Perrott
Absence Reporting

Sarah Patterson
Michael Wadham
Absence Reporting

Suzanne Batten
Della Felton

Lange School
Oakwood Junior High School
Oakwood High School
Athletic Office

Abby Riedel
Amy Samosky

Edwin D. Smith Principal
Edwin D. Smith Counselor
Edwin D. Smith Elementary
Edwin D. Smith Elementary

Harman School Principal
Harman School Counselor
Harman School
Harman School

Lange School Principal
Lange School Administrative Asst.


District Nurse
Social Emotional Learning Facilitator

(937) 297-5335
(937) 297-5335
(937) 297-5346
(937) 297-1841

(937) 297-5338
(937) 297-5338
(937) 424-2201
(937) 297-1514

(937) 299-8730
(937) 299-8730

(937) 299-8730
(937) 297-5328
(937) 297-5325
(937) 297-5342

(937) 297-5325
(937) 297-5328


Civil Rights Compliance Officer
EMAD Coordinator
Liaison for Homeless Children 
          Allyson Couch, Director of Educational Services 
          Oakwood City School District
          20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
          (937) 297-7802

OSHA Safety Director
Toxic Hazard Preparedness Officer

          Frank Eaton, Operations Coordinator
          Oakwood City School District
          20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
          (937) 297-5332

Prevailing Wage Coordinator
Public Records Designee

          Laura Sauber
          Oakwood City School District
          20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
          (937) 297-5332

Anti-Harassment Complaint Coordinator
          Allyson Couch, Director of Educational Services
          Oakwood City School District
          20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
          (937) 297-7802

          Frank Eaton, Operations Coordinator
          Oakwood City School District
          20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
          (937) 297-5332

Anti-Harassment Complaint Investigator
Coordinator of Records:

          OHS: Frank Eaton, Operations Coordinator
          20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
          (937) 297-5332

          OJHS:  Tim Badenhop, Principal
          1200 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
          (937) 297-5328

          Harman School:  Sarah Patterson, Principal
          735 Harman Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
          (937) 297-5338

          Edwin D. Smith Elementary School:  Cassie Schoch
          1701 Shafor Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45419
          (937) 297-5335

          Lange School: Suzanne Batten, Principal
          219 W. Dorothy Lane, Dayton, OH 45429
          (937) 299-8730

Table of Contents

Attendance Proceedures

Ohio Revised Code, Section 3321.01:
All children between ages six (6) and eighteen (18) are of compulsory school age and must attend school.

Ohio Revised Code, Section 3321.03:
It is the parent’s responsibility to cause the child to attend school.

Although the compulsory attendance laws of Ohio and State Board of Education regulations on attendance require rigorous enforcement by the school administration and faculty, of far greater significance to the student should be the fact that his attendance record is frequently instrumental in determining his future.

Regularity in attendance and punctuality are recognized attributes of the “work ethic” and prospective employers are generally as interested in a student’s attendance record and pattern of absence as they are in his academic and social accomplishments.  Many personnel officers make the assumption that if a student is absent or tardy excessively from school, then he will not be the most dependable employee.  Habits established now will have an impact upon attendance patterns later!

Absenteeism also affects a student’s ability to function at an optimum level. Some work that is missed in the classroom cannot be adequately made up. Sometimes absenteeism can have a major impact on the final grade a student receives for a given subject.

There is no supervision of students prior to 8:20 a.m.  The schools request students do not arrive before 8:20 a.m. Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. at the elementaries will be marked as tardy.

Adult Crossing Guards

There is an adult crossing guard assigned to assist students across the intersections of Far Hills before school, during the lunch period and after school.


Assemblies/Sharing Programs

An important Oakwood tradition is student participation in school-wide assemblies/sharing programs. Students at all grade levels are included as performers in a variety of assemblies and appropriate behavior of audience members is stressed.  Each school will develop and schedule their respective programs.  Please check newsletters for times and dates.

Adults attending need to realize that seating is limited.  We ask our adult audiences to be role models for our student audience. 


Students in grades 3-6 are permitted to ride bicycles/scooters to school.  Riding on the school grounds is not permitted from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  The bicycles are to be parked in the bike racks or on the bike apron.  To prevent theft, the school strongly urges students to keep all bikes locked during the day.  Failure to operate bikes/scooters in a safe and appropriate manner may result in a loss of riding privileges. Students are also to walk their bikes across the crosswalks.

Child Abuse

School employees are required by law to report any suspected evidence of child abuse or neglect to the Oakwood Safety Department and Montgomery County Children's Services.  The school will also cooperate with local law enforcement officials.

Class Placements

Class assignments are made with consideration to balancing each section in terms of academic ability, sex, individual needs, personality conflicts, learning styles, etc.  Staff members review class lists. The final placement is the responsibility of the principal.  Specific requests for class placement are not accepted.


Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled with all parents in the fall.  Parents sign up for the fall conference at the Open House in fall. If any additional conferences are desired by either parents or teachers, please arrange a mutually convenient time. Walk-in conferences are discouraged.

Counseling Services

Professional school counselors are certified/licensed professionals with a masters’ degree or higher in school counseling and are uniquely qualified to address the developmental needs of all students.  Professional school counselors deliver a comprehensive School Counseling program encouraging all students’ academic, career and personal/social development and help all students in maximizing student achievement.

The Oakwood Elementary School counselors each serve one building E.D. Smith and Harman, and support Lange School as needed.  The counselors primarily deliver short-term solution focused services through individual, small group, classroom guidance, and career education.  If longer-term counseling services are needed, the counselor can assist families with making referrals.

Confidentiality:  The relationship between the student and counselor is a confidential one.  The student client is entitled to privacy about personal matters.  However, there are limits to confidentiality, which include situations where there is risk of danger.  If there is suspicion that the student could harm him or herself, is in danger of being abused or neglected, or could be of risk to others, the counselor is legally and ethically bound to report this to the proper adults to investigate and take protective action if warranted. Because many of our students are minors, parents or legal guardians are entitled to general information about the nature of the problem and counseling interventions.  Since many of the concerns brought to counseling by a student relate to situations where teacher or caring adults in the child’s life need to be involved in making changes to benefit the student, permission to involve these adults is frequently requested and received.  For more information, please refer to the FERPA section on page 22.

To request service:  Appointments can be requested by writing a note, calling, emailing or stopping by the counseling office.  Students may self refer.  Often referrals are made by teachers, parents, principals, or occasionally, even concerned friends.   The counselors go to Lange by appointment.

Daily Schedule

8:20 a.m. - Doors open for students to enter building
8:30 a.m. - Doors lock, report to the office if you are tardy

11:30-12:40 - Smith Lunch/Recess

11:40-12:40 - Harman Lunch/Recess

12:40 p.m. - Doors open for students to enter building at Smith

12:35 p.m. - Doors open for students to enter building at Harman
12:40 p.m. - Doors lock at Harman. Report to the office if you are tardy.

3:10 p.m. - Dismissal

After school building hours
The building will remain open until 3:30 p.m.  Students finding it necessary to return to the school must do so before the building closes at 3:30 p.m.  If returning to the building before that time, students must check in with the principal or administrative assistant. 


Parents are encouraged to support the teacher and reinforce the classroom rules and procedures.  Additional information is located in the Student Code of Conduct section of this handbook.

Dress Code

Students are expected to come to school clean, well groomed and dressed appropriately.  We recognize that proper attire fosters positive behavior and proper demeanor.

Clothing and accessories should not be distracting nor disruptive and should not present a danger to the student’s health or safety.  The school does not permit halter-tops, bare midriffs or any top, which does not appropriately cover the upper torso.  Extremely short skirts or shorts are also prohibited.  Any attire with inappropriate pictures or words and/or reference or promote the use of alcohol, controlled substances, tobacco or drugs is prohibited.  Clothing should not disrespect nor discriminate against ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual or religious differences.  Hats and other head coverings are not permitted (except for religious reasons) in the building.

Safe and appropriate footwear is highly encouraged at all times.  Shoes must be worn at all times in the classrooms and hallways.  Flip flops are discouraged due to safety concerns at recess and on the playground.   Students may not participate in physical education class wearing sandals, boots or hard soled shoes.  Shoes for physical education class must be soft soled.


Fire Alarms: At the sound of the fire alarm, students are to leave the building by following directions of the staff.  Students must leave quietly and stay in their own group even when outside the building.  Everyone will return at the appropriate signal.  Fire drills are held monthly.

Tornado Drills: At the sound of the tornado alarm, students are to go to the designated area of the building as directed by the staff.  Teachers will stay with their own group of students until the “ALL CLEAR” signal is given. Drills will be held in March, April and June.

In the event of a Tornado Warning issued by the National Weather Service in effect at dismissal times at 11:40 a.m. or 3:10 p.m., students will be held in the building until the warning expires unless released to the parents.

Lock Down/Safety Drills: Are conducted three times a year in cooperation with the Oakwood Safety Department.

Early Arrival at School

The school has no provision for supervision before 8:20 a.m.  Students may enter the building at 8:20 a.m.  Students are expected to be seated and ready to learn by 8:30 a.m.  Otherwise, they will be considered tardy. 

Electronic Devices

All electronic devices, including cell phones and smart watches, that are brought to school must be kept in the backpack and turned off at all times, unless under the direction of a staff member as part of a lesson or assignment.

Emergency Closings, Delays, Early Dismissals

In the event of bad weather or other emergencies that may cause a school closing, delay or early dismissal, the Oakwood City Schools will communicate with parents and students through the local media.  Please listen to the local radio/TV stations and do not call the school.  You will be called for emergency closings, delays and early dismissal through our One Call Now system.

Arrangements for students must be made in advance by parents in case of early dismissal.  PLEASE make arrangements for your child to go to a relative or neighbor's home if you will not be at home.  Students may not be able to use the phones in some emergencies and parents may not be able to reach the school because of busy or damaged phone lines.

Family Trips Scheduled during the School year

Families are expected to maintain the integrity of the school calendar.  However, the school does understand in special circumstances trips may be necessary during the year.  It is the position of the school that assigned homework does not replace the personal instruction of the classroom teacher or the interaction that occurs among students and staff during the normal school day.  Students who are absent from school for a trip or family vacation shall be responsible for making up selected assignments as designated by the classroom teacher(s).  An appropriate number of days equal to the days taken for the trip will be allotted for the make-up work.  Students failing to accomplish the assigned work within the allotted time will be graded accordingly.  In general, teachers will not be asked to prepare assignments in advance of the trip.  Students/parents should confirm all required assignments immediately upon their return.

Field Trips

Parents will be asked to sign a "Field Trip Permission Form" for every field trip taken by the class.  Teachers will make every attempt to make sure this form is sent home at least one week prior to the field trip.  Without written permission, students will not be permitted to leave school.  There may be a charge for field trip activities and for certain events the school must pay in advance. District arranged transportation will be provided for students in grades 1-3.  Parents may transport students in grades 4-6 who meet the booster seat guidelines. If your child cannot attend on the day of the trip, the school cannot refund the fee.  Parent chaperones on field trips will be provided with guidelines.

Food Allergy Guidelines

Oakwood City Schools has developed food allergy guidelines to address the safety, health and well-being of all our students who have food allergies.  If your child has a food allergy, please notify the school so that we can work together to develop a plan that accommodates his/her needs throughout the school.  Written documentation from your licensed healthcare provider with instructions and medications using a Medication Administration Form and Food Allergy Action Plan as a guide is required.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse in your child’s building.

Gifted Identification and Services

The Oakwood Board of Education has adopted a policy, in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3324.01-3324.07 and Ohio Administrative Code, for identifying children who are gifted. The state mandates that all students have the opportunity to be assessed for possible "giftedness" based on the state's specific definition of giftedness, which follows: 

Children who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment and who are identified in the areas of superior cognitive domain, specific academic domain (math, science, social studies, reading/writing), creative thinking domain, and/or visual/performing arts domain (visual arts, music, dance, drama).

The district uses an approach of assessment and identification to identify students who perform, or show potential for performing, at high levels of accomplishment in these domains. To be identified as "gifted" a student must achieve the requisite cutoff score on an assessment instrument authorized by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), which sets cutoff scores.  Children may participate in either whole-grade assessment or referral-based assessment. Whole-grade level assessment occurs at grades 2, 4, and 6 in Oakwood City School District. For referral-based assessment, children may be referred for possible gifted identification on an ongoing basis based upon child request (self-referral), teacher recommendation, parent/guardian request, child referral of peer, or other referral. Referral forms are available in the school offices, Gifted Intervention Specialists’ offices, and counselors’ offices.

While the State of Ohio requires that students have the opportunity to be assessed for giftedness, it does not require districts to provide services for students who are identified as gifted. Through local tax dollars, Oakwood employs three (3) Gifted Intervention Specialists (GIS) who assist teachers at Lange, Harman, Smith, and the Junior/Senior High Schools in working with students identified as gifted.

Differentiated instruction in the classroom is the linchpin of the program. Differentiated instruction requires modifying process, content, or product according to student need, readiness, and interest, and it is often performed in consultation with the Gifted Intervention Specialist.  Our instructional program at all levels continues to evolve in order to meet the needs of our learners, and annually revised gifted services matrices are available from the Gifted Intervention Specialists.

At the elementary level, students identified as gifted will experience an enriched curriculum through a variety of ways such as differentiated instruction in the regular classroom, cluster grouping, and other appropriate plans-of-action established by instructional teams.   Some students identified as gifted will receive additional levels of gifted intervention based on Oakwood’s Gifted Education Policy. 

Health Services

The district employs a certified school nurse and two full time clinic registered nurses to provide school nursing services.  Each building has a nurse full time, if your child has a chronic health condition that could affect his/her attendance or a medical condition that will require a nurse’s care during the school day please contact the nurse at your child’s school.  

When possible, the administration of medication to a student should be scheduled outside of school hours. If special circumstances require the administration of prescription medication during school hours or on school sponsored field trips, a Medication Administration Form must be completed for each medication,  by a licensed health care provider and a parent/guardian. The medication administration form may be obtained from the nurse or on Final Forms. All medication administered during school hours, or on school sponsored field trips, will be administered by an authorized school staff member (with the exception of emergency medication, such as inhalers or Epinephrine). The parent/guardian is responsible for providing the medication in the original container from the pharmacy, making sure all medication information matches the medication administration form, bringing the medication to the school clinic, picking up remaining medications and notifying the nurse of any changes in the original medication order and providing appropriate documentation for those changes.

According to Board of Education Policy 5330, “medication” shall include all medication including those prescribed by a licensed health care provider authorized to prescribe medications, and other non-prescribed medications, vitamins, herbals and/or supplements.

Home School Communication

It is essential that good communication be established between the home and the school.  To share general announcements, policies, and procedures, the school relies heavily on written communication. In addition to newsletters and teacher websites, there will be periodic flyers, memos, and announcements.  Communication of a personal nature is addressed by conferences, telephone contacts, emails, and written notes.  The best times to contact teachers are between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Individual e-mail addresses for all staff members are located on the district's staff directory page. Parents wishing to have a personal conference with a teacher are asked to contact the office, e-mail, or send a note to the teacher requesting a conference.  We ask that parents please respect teachers' personal time.


Homework is assigned to students to reinforce the skills taught in the classroom at each grade level.  The assignments may include asking the child to practice or demonstrate what has been introduced at school with the parent.  It may also include assigned material previously presented at school or the completion of projects and reports.  Even if the students have no assigned homework, it may help the student to simply practice school related material, such as math facts or reading to the parent.  Homework is an important part of the instructional program in the Oakwood City Schools.  Students choosing not to do homework may fall behind in their academic program.

Make-up Work: Students who are absent are expected to make up class work assigned by the teacher(s).  Homework may be picked up in the office after the second day of absence if requested by the parent.   In general, teachers will not be asked to prepare assignments in advance of the trip.  Students/parents should confirm all required assignments immediately upon their return.

Intra-District Open Enrollment

Oakwood students are encouraged to attend the building in which they reside. Oakwood students who live outside an elementary’s attendance area may be considered for enrollment in that elementary provided specific criteria are met.  Contact the building principal for information about the application process.


If a student is issued a locker, students are responsible for the upkeep and security of the locker and for providing their own locks.  All lockers remain the property of the Oakwood Schools.  The school reserves the right to inspect lockers and desks for reasonable cause.  

Lost and Found

Each year many articles are lost and unclaimed by our students.  A "Lost and Found" box is maintained in both schools.  Students are encouraged to check the box for lost items. Parents are also welcome to look in the "Lost and Found." Parents are encouraged to put the students' names on all items.

Lunchroom and Noon Hour Procedures

The cafeteria provides a cold or hot lunch daily for students who wish to eat at school.  Students may also bring their lunches from home.  Carbonated beverages or beverages in glass bottles are not permitted in the cafeteria. 

The school will take a lunch count each morning by 8:40 a.m.  Parents are requested to review lunch plans with their children, remembering that the options are: a) eating at school if a lunch is ordered or carried in from home, or b) going home as planned.  The school requires written notice from the parents if their children are going elsewhere at lunch.  Without this written permission students will be subject to disciplinary action. 

A peanut/nut-free table is available to accommodate students who have severe food allergies.

Students who go home for lunch are not to return to school until 12:40 p.m. for Smith or 12:45 p.m. for Harman

Medication Administration

The school nurse, principal or principal’s designee may administer medication during school hours.  When possible, it is recommended that medication be given outside school hours.  If any medication (prescription or over-the-counter) must be administered during school hours, the medication must be in its original container, and a medication administration form must be completed by a licensed health care provider AND the parent/guardian.  The medication administration form must contain the following information:

  • Current date
  • Student’s full name and address
  • Name of medication and dosage
  • Reason for medication
  • Time(s) that medication is to be given
  • Date(s) that medication is to be given
  • Licensed health care providers name, address, and phone number
  • Signature of Licensed health care provider
  • Signature of Parent/Guardian and contact information

No medication (prescription or over-the-counter) will be administered without a medication administration form completed by a licensed health care provider and parent/guardian.  You may obtain medication administration forms from the school nurse, building administrative assistant, or on the district clinic website.  The parent is responsible for providing the medication in the original container, transporting the medication to school, and notifying the school of any change in the prescription.  If there is a change in the prescriptions, a new medication administration form must be completed by the licensed health care provider and parent/guardian.  Medication administration forms must be renewed each school year.

Parking and Dropping Off/Picking Up Students

The areas around Harman and Smith Schools are extremely congested particularly at the beginning and ending of the school sessions.  For this reason, the school discourages the routine transportation of students by automobile.  Most students can easily walk to and from the school.   However, in the event that you must transport your child to or from school on special occasions, please arrange for a drop off/pick up spot that is not directly adjacent to the school, but somewhere within a block or so from the building.  We are extremely concerned about the safety and welfare of the students and ask that you also follow these guidelines:

  • Have children enter and exit vehicle only from the curbside. 
  • Make sure adults and children use all crosswalks when they are walking to and from your vehicle.
  • Refrain from parking in the areas marked with yellow curbs, with "No Parking" signs, by traffic safety cones and in the van/bus pickup area.
  • Refrain from parking, turning around, or dropping off students in private drives or alleys.
  • Oakwood City Safety Department may be called for enforcement of guidelines.       

Guidelines specific to Harman and Smith are posted on each building's website. 

Parties and Birthday Treats

Periodically during the school year, the PTO Room Parents, in cooperation with the homeroom teachers, will plan and conduct simple homeroom parties.  Generally these parties will take place at Halloween, prior to the Holiday break, and on Valentine’s Day. 

Students may provide a special non-food birthday treat for members of their class by contacting the classroom teacher in advance.  Options may include the special donation of a popular book to the classroom or school library or a game for classroom use.  Room decorations, floral or balloon bouquets, etc. are considered inappropriate.

Promotion/Retention/Assignment of Students

The promotion/retention/assignment of students in any grade level should be in the best interest of the students.  The first consideration for student retention is failure to meet at least minimum levels of knowledge, skills at the present grade level, and attendance. The final decision on all student placements is the responsibility of the principal.


The involvement of all parents in our PTO meetings and other activities is encouraged.  Throughout the year you will receive written communication outlining PTO events and activities.  While the PTO does not encourage door-to-door fundraisers, it may coordinate special sales of a particular item by sending home information with the students. Proceeds from PTO fundraisers directly benefit the school program. For more information, visit our PTO website.

Recess - "In Days" and "out Days"

Students will be kept indoors during rainy weather or when the temperature or chill factor is 20 degrees or below.  It is important that students be dressed properly for wet or cold weather.      

School Fees/Textbooks

All basic textbooks are loaned to students for their use during the school year.  Students will be required to pay for all lost or damaged texts.  The student’s name and grade should be written on the book label on the inside cover in case the book is misplaced or lost.   

The Board of Education has established a student fee that helps defray some of the cost for expendable supplies and materials.  The fee is as follows: Grades K-6:  $50.00.  The fee is payable within the first week of school.  An additional tech fee will be assigned to students based on  their current grade.  If you find that due to financial difficulties, you cannot pay your child’s school fees, please contact Frank Eaton at  the Board of Education (297-5332) to request a waiver of student fees.

Special Services/Positive Student Solutions Team

Oakwood City elementary schools offer a variety of special services for students who have special educational needs.  These services include guidance counselor, English Learners (EL) tutor, school psychologist, gifted intervention specialist, reading intervention teachers, resource room teacher, learning center teachers, speech therapist, and paraprofessionals for special needs students.  Home tutoring services are also available for students whose illness would prevent their class attendance for an extended period of time.   Contact the building principal or your child's classroom teacher for more information.

The Positive Student Solutions Team is a committee of faculty that meets to intervene on behalf of students needing assistance for academic, social, or “at-risk” issues.  Students may be referred to the Positive Student Solutions Team by parents, teachers, or self-referral.  Contact the building principal or your child’s teacher for more information.

Special Area Teachers

Special subject teachers serve Harman and Smith students at all grade levels in Art, Music, Physical Education, Media Specialist and Spanish. Students in grade 6 may enroll in the Band and Orchestra. 

Student Progress

A report card is issued at the end of each grading period for all students in grades one through six. 

Performance Levels for first through sixth and related arts:
1 - Consistently meeting or extending the standard this quarter
2 - Progressing toward understanding the standard this quarter but requires practice and support
3 - Developing understanding of the standard this quarter but experiences difficulty and requires consistent practice and support
- No mark indicates not assessed at this time

Parents are also kept informed of their child's progress through Parent-Teacher Conferences in the fall, optional conferences in the spring.  Teachers also use notes, phone calls, e-mails, work folders, etc. to keep parents informed of student progress.  Parents wishing to discuss a student's progress should contact the teacher for a conference appointment.  This can be done by writing a note to the teacher, email, or by calling the school office.

Report Cards
Students receive report cards each nine weeks with an explanation of the marking system printed on the card.  The first report card will be issued to the parents at the fall conference scheduled for the end of the first nine-week period.  All other grade cards will be issued the week following the end of the current grading period.  The dates of the grading periods are included in the Calendar of Events.  Final grade cards will not be issued to students until all necessary fees and/or fines have been paid.

Students Moving from the District

If you plan to move out of our attendance area, please notify the school office as soon as possible.   A release of records form must be completed before records can be sent to another school district.

Student well being

Student safety is the responsibility of both students and staff.  Staff members are familiar with emergency procedures such as evacuation procedures, fire and tornado drills, safety drills in the event of a terrorist or other violent attack, and accident reporting procedures.  If a student is aware of any dangerous situation or accident, they must notify a staff person immediately.

State law requires that all students have an emergency medical authorization completed and signed by a parent or guardian on file in the school office.  Students with specific health care needs should deliver written notice about such needs, along with physician documentation, to the school office.

Substance Abuse

In accordance with Federal law, the Board of Education prohibits the use, possession, concealment, or distribution of drugs by students on school grounds, in school or school-approved vehicles, or at any school-related event. Drugs include any alcoholic beverages, anabolic steroid, dangerous controlled substance as defined by State statute, or substance that could be considered a “look-a-like” controlled substance. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all students. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with due process and as specified in the student handbooks, up to and including expulsion from school. When required by State law, the District will also notify law enforcement officials.

The District is concerned about any student who engages in alcohol or drug abuse and will facilitate the process by which s/he can receive help through programs and services available in the community. Students and their parents should contact the school principal or counseling office whenever such help is needed.

Supervision of Students

The school is directly responsible for supervision of students only while they are on school property and between the hours of 8:20 a.m. and 3:10 p.m.   The school will cooperate with parents in stressing the rules of safety to and from school and will assist with discipline problems that occur between home and school when possible.  However, misbehavior that occurs off the school property is a police matter.


Office and classroom phone use is limited to emergency calls and only with the permission of a staff member.  We ask that students take care of personal matters before or after school in order to reduce the use of the office and classroom telephones during school hours.


Group testing is conducted in grades 2-6.  The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is administered in grades 2, 4, and 6.  The Cognitive Abilities 2, 4, and 6.  The Ohio State Assessments are administered in grades 3-6.   Individual testing is sometimes recommended after students have been referred to our Positive Student Solutions Team.

Visitors to the Building

Visitors, particularly parents, are welcome at the school.  Visitors must report to the office upon entering the school to sign in and obtain a pass.   Visitors may be required to provide photo identification when entering the building.   Any visitor found in the building or on the playground without signing in or obtaining a pass shall be escorted to the office.  If a person wishes to confer with a member of the staff, they should call for an appointment prior to coming to the school in order to schedule a mutually convenient meeting time. Unfortunately, we are not able to extend an invitation to other children to spend the day attending classes with our students. 



Harman and Smith use many volunteers each week.  There are opportunities to assist in the school library and other special times during the school year.  The use of volunteers is coordinated through the PTO.  A volunteer training session is required. Volunteers who work regularly with students, and those who work with students in an unsupervised area will be required to provide fingerprints.  This can be done at the Board office and at no cost to volunteers.

If you have an interest in volunteering, please call the office or send a note.  We will put you in contact with the appropriate person.  The building newsletter will also act as a means of seeking volunteers for special projects.

Student Code of Conduct

Students at Harman School and Edwin D. Smith Elementary School are expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflecting the basic belief in the worth and dignity of all people.  Any behavior that could be expected to result in harm to oneself or to another person, in destruction of property, in disruption of school activities, or is in conflict with this basic belief is prohibited.

Student Records

Board of Education Required Notices

Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety

Advances in telecommunications and other related technologies have fundamentally altered the ways in which information is accessed, communicated, and transferred in society.  Such changes are driving the need for educators to adapt their means and methods of instruction, and the way they approach student learning, to harness and utilize the vast, diverse, and unique resources available on the Internet.  The Board of Education is pleased to provide Internet services to its students. The District’s Internet system has a limited educational purpose. The District’s Internet system has not been established as a public access service or a public forum.  The Board has the right to place restrictions on its use to assure that use of the District’s Internet system is in accord with its limited educational purpose. Student use of the District’s computers, network and Internet services (“Network”) will be governed by this policy and the related administrative guidelines, and the Student Code of Conduct.  The due process rights of all users will be respected in the event there is a suspicion of inappropriate use of the Network. Users have no right or expectation to privacy when using the Network (including, but not limited to, privacy in the content of their personal files, e-mails, and records of their online activity while on the Network).

The Board encourages students to utilize the Internet in order to promote educational excellence in our schools by providing them with the opportunity to develop the resource sharing, innovation, and communication skills and tools that are essential to both life and work.  The instructional use of the Internet will be guided by the Board's policy on instructional materials.

The Internet is a global information and communication network that provides students and staff with access to up-to-date, highly relevant information that will enhance their learning and the education process.  Further, the Internet provides students and staff with the opportunity to communicate with other people from throughout the world. Access to such an incredible quantity of information and resources brings with it, however, certain unique challenges and responsibilities.

First, and foremost, the Board may not be able to technologically limit access, through the Board's Internet connection, to only those services and resources that have been authorized for the purpose of instruction, study and research related to the curriculum.  Unlike in the past when educators and community members had the opportunity to review and screen materials to assess their appropriateness for supporting and enriching the curriculum according to adopted guidelines and reasonable selection criteria (taking into account the varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities, and developmental levels of the students who would be exposed to them), access to the Internet, because it serves as a gateway to any publicly available file server in the world, will open classrooms and students to electronic information resources that have not been screened by educators for use by students of various ages.

Pursuant to Federal law, the Board has implemented technology protection measures, which protect against (e.g. filter or block) access to visual displays/depictions/materials that are obscene, constitute child pornography, and/or are harmful to minors, as defined by the Children’s Internet Protection Act.  At the discretion of the Board or the Superintendent, the technology protection measures may be configured to protect against access to other material considered inappropriate for students to access. The Board also utilizes software and/or hardware to monitor online activity of students to restrict access to child pornography and other material that is obscene, objectionable, inappropriate and/or harmful to minors.  The technology protection measures may not be disabled at any time that students may be using the Network, if such disabling will cease to protect against access to materials that are prohibited under the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Any student who attempts to disable the technology protection measures will be subject to discipline.

The Superintendent or Technology Coordinator may temporarily or permanently unblock access to sites containing appropriate material, if access to such sites has been inappropriately blocked by the technology protection measures.  The determination of whether material is appropriate or inappropriate shall be based on the content of the material and the intended use of the material, not on the protection actions of the technology protection measures.

Parents are advised that a determined user may be able to gain access to services and/or resources on the Internet that the Board has not authorized for educational purposes.  In fact, it is impossible to guarantee students will not gain access through the Internet to information and communications that they and/or their parents may find inappropriate, offensive, objectionable or controversial.  Parents assume risks by consenting to allow their child to participate in the use of the Internet. Parents of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using the Internet.  The Board supports and respects each family's right to decide whether to apply for independent student access to the Internet.

Pursuant to Federal law, students shall receive education about the following:



safety and security while using e-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications



the dangers inherent with the online disclosure of personally identifiable information



the consequences of unauthorized access (e.g., "hacking") cyberbullying and other unlawful or inappropriate activities by students online, and



unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors


Staff members shall provide instruction for their students regarding the appropriate use of technology and online safety and security as specified above.  Furthermore, staff members will monitor the online activities of students while at school.

Monitoring may include, but is not necessarily limited to, visual observations of online activities during class sessions; or use of specific monitoring tools to review browser history and network, server, and computer logs.

Building principals are responsible for providing training so that Internet users under their supervision are knowledgeable about this policy and its accompanying guidelines.  The Board expects that staff members will provide guidance and instruction to students in the appropriate use of the Internet. Such training shall include, but not be limited to, education concerning appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response.  All Internet users (and their parents if they are minors) are required to sign a written agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy and its accompanying guidelines.

Students and staff members are responsible for good behavior on the Board's computers/network and the Internet just as they are in classrooms, school hallways, and other school premises and school sponsored events.  Communications on the Internet are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communication apply. The Board does not sanction any use of the Internet that is not authorized by or conducted strictly in compliance with this policy and its accompanying guidelines.  

Students shall not access social media for personal use from the District’s network, but shall be permitted to access social media for educational use in accordance with their teacher’s approved plan for such use.

Users who disregard this policy and its accompanying guidelines may have their use privileges suspended or revoked, and disciplinary action taken against them.  Users granted access to the Internet through the Board's computers assume personal responsibility and liability, both civil and criminal, for uses of the Internet not authorized by this Board policy and its accompanying guidelines.

The Board designates the Superintendent and Technology Coordinator as the administrators responsible for initiating, implementing, and enforcing this policy and its accompanying guidelines as they apply to students’ use of the Network.

NOTE: This student/parent handbook is based in significant part on policies adopted by the Board of Education. Policies are periodically updated in response to changes in the law and other circumstances.